
Industrial PhD in collaboration with University of Padua

Machine Learning and Big Data: Omnys set up a Research Industrial PhD in computer science and engineering

A partnership between enterprises and the academic world has always been of strategic importance to bring innovation in a number of areas. Know-how exchange between these two entities, together with the execution of common research projects are extremely important for companies to gain competitiveness, for territories to socially and ecnomically grow up, and for employees to expand their knowledge and expertise.
Companies realize every day how much Big Data are important for their business, as well as handling and exploiting data in order to keep their competitiveness in the middle and long term. Data becomes, therefore, a resource and in the coming years the amounts of data, generated world-wide, will quadruple. That's why the way data are managed is a significant challenge for companies.
In this regard Omnys, involved in research and development activities for long time, started a valuable collaboration with University of Padua, by providing its know-how and expertise in Machine Learning and Big Data, and set up an “Industrial PhD for Research in Computer Science and Engineering”.
Objective of the research work, that will take place at several proper uni departments and labs, such as the Department of Physics and Computer Science & Engineering, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN, Geneve), is to develop a new data analysis strategy, implemented on a suitable computational infrastructure, in order to forecast unexpected events with unbiased analysis. Such an approach will be applied to the fundamental physics, as well as to other different fields, such as industrial plants, social data analysis, etc. In other words, this kind of work falls within what is usually referred to as “anomaly detection”.

During the PhD, that will last 3 years, we will develop both architectures and software applications able to process huge amount of data streams. This will be done both on the infrastructures used by the academic group and on AWS cloud infrastructure (as Omnys is AWS Consulting Partner) to allow application at enterprise-level. Moreover, new Machine Learning algorithms will be studied and developed to detect anomalies before they happen.
Omnys, for long time, supports and fosters its employees training with high qualified courses, in order to get more skilled in solving complex problems and in order to provide companies and organizations with high-level, ultimate services. That's why, we are concerned with Big Data, in order to be able, now and in the future, to help companies in data management and analysis.